Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sitiawan Bo Tien Temple - where you can make good

No 45

The old temple building
with its wooden wall structure

Temple rebuilt in 2012 as a brick wall building
and near completion. Notice the higher roofing,
brick wall, bigger doors and glass windows.
The sky backdrop is reminiscent of the teaching
by Lord Bo Tien that the sky is the roof of the temple
and all under Heaven are in the temple.
The rustic laid back countryside atmosphere
beckons all those who want quiet, solace and peace.
This surely will be prelude for better days to come

Mr Lim Ing Hai alias Ah Bai
back to the fore of Bo Tien Temple
Sitiawan Perak Malaysia

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Avoiding pitfalls when trying to be good and pure?

No 44

 To avoid pitfalls one has be
religiously driven to do good

Pitfalls arise when one is not spiritually driven but has personal motive for fame in trying to be pure and good. One is then no longer doing good from the heart but for face value (fame, praise and award), some call this gut value.

Do not do good for face value so that others could praise you. Do so from the heart. Love life and bear no distaste for self or for others.

Often goodness done are undeniably for personal gain and not done primarily for others benefit. Be mindful and you can learn this from lessons of life, from one's own life and from the lives of others as taught by all saints including Lord Bo Tien.

Charity must be out of love for life and not for greatness of face value to win award and recognition such as knighthood or for socio-political mileage.

For instance, charity for aged and handicap must part of and be out of the love for all lives.

It would be difficult to reconcile how one could run aged home, nursing home and community care scheme and yet not respect an elder or parent even if that elder is not a saint and may have erred. This behaviour is driven by face value and not by conviction of need to be good and pure.

Respect for elder is a precept or tenet of many religions and sects. Abide by precepts as in any religious book and for followers of the lord saint Lord Bo Tien, the precepts are found in two books.

Purity of the heart and not of the gut

No 43

Purity is not in what we eat but what is in our mind. Ji Gong the Living Buddha said, "What goes through the heart is more important than what goes through the gut"

Incidentally Ji Gong anniversary falls on 22nd May 2012
the 2nd day of the second (leap year) 4th lunar month
and normally on the 2nd day of 5th lunar month

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

That is the way to purify and...

No 42

 .........to save souls, not only yours but others as well

Do good always, avoid evil, purify the mind.

Live life but not run from life or go for more biting off more than we can chew.

Don't forget to stave off idleness on one hand (sloth and torpor) and biting off more than we can chew on the other hand.

Then one be at peace amidst the swirls of life around and not at all perturbed by alternating calm and storms in life. Be the lotus of life above the mud and swirling water of yin and yang not away and yet not affected. This is the way of the pure ones.

The reason the lord bestow.....

No 41

 ... the double dragons supporting pearl phase to the mission for the doctrine or buddha phase. "Double dragons supporting pearl" is actually the pictoral presentation of harnessing and balancing the yin and yang dragons to have the pearl of divine wisdom

Lest you forget that Bro Philip....

No 40

.... in his better days did say

"Only the wise seek the fulfillment of ancient wisdom. Yet the profound truth is so simple but difficult to perceive."

That's why the Ba Gua takes centre stage........

No 39

........at the shrine hall floor of the temple in the name of the lord saint